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Interaction Associates Blog

Our blog is filled with actionable insights on collaboration as well as practical approaches to implement these insights within organizations.

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Person giving thumbs up during virtual meeting, laptop screen showing grid of video call participants

Facilitation: The Must-Have Skill for ...

There's a lot to love about virtual and hybrid work arrangements. From increased flexibility to reduced commute times,..
Screen displaying Zoom meeting with everyone's face visible

How Camera-Off Meetings Can Support All Team ...

I'm sure we've all had those days where the last thing we want to do is turn our cameras on and attend yet another..
Woman on virtual meeting using AI tools to improve her meeting process

How AI Can Improve Your Meetings

We have all attended meetings where we sit back and think to ourselves, “This really could have been an email.” Whether..

How Time Blocking Can Save Your Sanity

Recent news about the modern workplace has been awash with CEOs pushing for higher levels of worker productivity. In..

The Real Challenge with Hybrid Meetings

For the last two years, the pandemic transformed millions into remote workers and redefined workplace flexibility. As..

4 Ways Facilitators Improve Your Hybrid Meetings

Even as many businesses reopen their facilities and welcome employees back to the office, it’s clear that the future of..

One Year In...What I've Learned in Quarantine

One year ago, many of us were thrown into a new way of life. We shifted, adjusted, and found our new norm. We may not..

Six Insights from Working Together Across ...

Interaction Associates and Vantage Partners hosted The New Norm: Working Together Across Distances & Differences on..

Football, Mindfulness, and the Benefits of ...

With the support of cardboard fans and recorded cheering, NFL teams are pounding it out on the gridiron. Yes, even..

What to Ask Your Relative Who Voted for the Other ...

Those of us in the United States are now moving from election season to dispute season. Tens of millions of Americans..

IA Recommends: Overcoming Zoom Fatigue

It's 2:00pm and you're on your fourth online meeting of the day. The coffee that got you through the morning has worn..

Are We Done with this Meeting?

As a project manager, I have tons of meetings. I can remember several meetings in my previous organization with clients..

Did You Write That Down?

In 2009, Atul Gawande published the fascinating book The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, in which he..

Is Anybody Listening

In online meetings today, people are still listening. But what we hear and understand is often not what the speaker..

Why Are We Meeting?

A few years ago, I attended a meeting at my previous company entitled “Marketing Update.” This wasn’t our weekly..

Meet the Online Meeting Monster

The Online Meeting Monster™ sucks valuable time out of your busy day. In the time of COVID when people are worried..

IA Recommends: Podcasts

At IA we understand how important it is to create opportunities for self-care, relaxation, and joy, especially during..

The Power of a Morning Routine During Times of ...

Social distancing and other COVID-19 related restrictions have changed the world and our daily routines in a matter of..

Dynamics of Effective Communication in a Virtual ...

As you think about your smartphone, where are you within the adoption curve? Are you the person who finds themselves..

How to Question Our Future

A stuck mind is disabled by complexity and uncertainty. In the face of our pandemic, stuck minds are yearning for a..

Swapping Dress Pants for Sweatpants? Not so Fast!

For many of us, working from home was not an option until a few weeks ago. This shift has required a lot of adjusting:..

Business on top, yoga pants on bottom, snacks in ...

I bet three weeks ago you thought you were busy, huh? Yeah, me too. It’s a brave new world parents. I write this to you..

Your Office Set Up Can Change Your Work Life

The desk. If my basic math calculations are correct, this is a place you may call home for upwards of 950 hours each..

Fully Remote: Challenges and Opportunities

As our workplaces and world have become upended due to COVID-19 in the past few weeks, we are faced with significant..

You Can Have Better Online Meetings

“Meetings are a microcosm of the culture of an organization.” David Straus made that assertion in his seminal 1975..

Stay Connected When Working from Home

If you’re new to working from home or now have more virtual co-workers due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and social..

Today from IA: We're Better Together

COVID-19 Response from Interaction Associates and CEO Barry Rosen In communities and businesses across the globe,..

When Face Time Wasn’t an App

“Face time.” If you were reading hard-copy business magazines twenty years ago, you'll likely remember articles urging..

Convening People Who Work Remotely

Since 2015, I’ve worked as a remote employee for Interaction Associates. For me, it’s been great. Working from home has..