IA Webinars

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Tell That Story!: How Great Leaders Use Stories to Make an Impact

March 27 | 1:00 - 1:45pm ET

Learn how to use storytelling as a leadership tool to engage, influence, and connect. Join this interactive webinar for practical tips and insights!

Check out our entire library of webinar recordings from over the years on topics like leadership, meetings, and collaboration.

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What Clients Say About IA

"No matter what business problem or issue we're handed, we can navigate our way through it. That's the beauty of IA's collaborative models and tools. They work for almost any challenge or opportunity. And the IA consultants practice what they teach."

Vice President, Global Talent Management

"Our leaders want to build a collaborative culture. The enterprise-wide coaching skills program delivered by IA is one strategy for achieving that goal. What makes the program so successful? The content is solid. The trainers are great role models. The classroom experience is profound and practical."

Director, Employee Engagement and Organization Development
Atmos Energy

“We selected IA as a partner because their content and delivery style is consistent with the cultural values we are trying to instill in our leadership. Our leadership development program was intended to be more than a program to train our leaders — but a strategic initiative to change the culture. We have stayed with IA because they have exceeded my expectations on what they originally promised to deliver, and, as our needs have grown, they continue to be able to deliver.”

Former VP of Human Resources

“Bad leadership had brought us to our knees. Interaction Associates helped us completely turn around our culture to create a collaborative environment. With their help, we not only achieved the highest regulatory ratings and great operating success, we created a place where people love to work.”

VP, Shared Services
STP Nuclear Operating Company

Better collaboration at work makes a big difference. What's your collaborative challenge?

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