#016: Facilitation Masterclass Q&A Pt. 1

Facilitation Masterclass Q&A Part 1

In this episode of Water Cooler Wisdom, hosts Jake Blocker and Rachael Grail explore the art of facilitation. Whether you’re leading a meeting or guiding a discussion, managing group dynamics can be challenging. Rachael, a seasoned facilitator, tackles common questions about handling dominant voices, managing senior leaders in meetings, and dealing with disruptive participants.

Rachael shares practical techniques to ensure every voice is heard and the discussion remains productive. She emphasizes the importance of preparation, setting clear participation guidelines, and staying curious about the group’s needs. Whether you’re new to facilitation or experienced, this episode offers tips to enhance your skills and create more effective meetings.
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Water Cooler Wisdom

Welcome to "Water Cooler Wisdom" – the bi-weekly podcast that brings the heart of the office to your ears, wherever you are! Every other week, we dive into the buzz of the workplace, offering productivity hacks, team-building insights, and tales that resonate with anyone who's ever set foot in an office or logged in from home.Together, let's turn the ordinary office banter into extraordinary insights and shared experiences. Join us and make every moment as enriching as those around the water cooler – no matter where you are!

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