How AI Can Improve Your Meetings

Leadership | Virtual Working | Meetings

How AI Can Improve Your Meetings

We have all attended meetings where we sit back and think to ourselves, “This really could have been an email.” Whether it’s a disorganized agenda, recurring off-topic discussions, or a lack of engagement, business meetings can often feel like a waste of time.

But it’s not just the meeting participants who suffer – it’s also the business as a whole. According to a recent study, approximately 24 billion hours are lost annually in the U.S. to unproductive meetings. This translates to a staggering $399 billion in wasted costs.

Ouch, right?

So, how can we improve meeting productivity and make the most out of our time? Many business leaders are turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a solution. In this article, I’ll explain why this is and whether AI can truly solve all your meeting woes.

Before we begin, a caveat: None of the products below are endorsed by Interaction Associates. AI is an ever-evolving market, so people should conduct their own research to find the product that is right for them and their team.

The Role of AI Tools in Business Meetings  

You’d be hard-pressed to find a company that isn’t already using artificial intelligence in some form. I’m sure even your favorite local mom-and-pop shop is using AI in some capacity. Yes, the one that has been around since the ’80s and still has a landline. 

From customer service chatbots to automated data analysis, AI is revolutionizing the way we do business. But how can this technology be applied to future meetings? Here are a few ways AI tools can improve the meeting experience:

Intelligent Meeting Agenda Creation 

A poorly planned agenda is one of the biggest hindrances to meeting efficiency and productivity. Sure, you may have a general idea of what needs to be discussed, but without a clear agenda, meetings can quickly veer off track. That’s how a conversation about next quarter’s sales goals can turn into a heated debate about pizza toppings.

Yet, creating effective meeting agendas can be time-consuming and tedious, especially for frequently held meetings. But now, AI-powered tools can analyze past meeting notes, action items, and attendee schedules to create an optimized agenda that covers all necessary topics.

Key AI Tools for Automated Meeting Agendas:

  • Fellow: Facilities agendas based on previous meetings and allows team members to collaborate and provide input through its platform. 

Real-Time Notetaking  

We’ve all been there – trying to keep up with a fast-paced meeting, scribbling down notes that will later resemble a doctor’s prescription pad. With AI tools, you can say goodbye to illegible handwriting and missed details.

These tools use speech recognition technology to transcribe virtual meetings in real-time, ensuring accurate and thorough notes. This not only saves time but also allows participants to focus on the discussion rather than frantic notetaking. Additionally, these comprehensive meeting notes can be easily shared and referenced after the meeting, making it easier to follow up on action items.  

Efficient AI Tools for Real-Time Notetaking:

  • Uses generative AI algorithms to transcribe meetings and identify key takeaways, action items, and follow-up tasks. It integrates with popular video conferencing platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
  • Jamie AI: Provides real-time note-taking and summarization services for virtual meetings using advanced NLP.

Streamlined Meeting Scheduling   

With hybrid and remote work, coordinating schedules can be a nightmare. It’s like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube – just when you think everything is aligned, someone moves and throws off the whole plan.

An AI tool can simplify this process by analyzing team members’ availability and finding the best meeting slots. These tools also handle the back-and-forth communication of finding a suitable time, freeing up valuable time for everyone involved. With advanced features such as time zone detection and calendar integration, scheduling team meetings becomes a breeze.  

NoteworthyAI Tools for Meeting Scheduling:

  • Uses artificial intelligence to optimize schedules and automate meeting coordination based on team members’ preferences and availability.
  • Clockwise: Makes scheduling meetings easier by intelligently managing calendars and finding the best times based on availability, priorities, and preferences. It also handles rescheduling conflicts and integrates with popular calendar tools.

Meeting Analytics and Insights  

AI-powered meeting analytics provide valuable insights into meeting effectiveness, productivity, and team dynamics. These tools can analyze data such as attendance, participation rates, and meeting duration to identify patterns and areas for improvement.  

They can also track action items and decisions made during meetings, making it easier to follow up and stay on top of tasks. Furthermore, with sentiment analysis capabilities, these tools can gauge team members’ engagement during meetings, providing valuable feedback for improving team communication and dynamics.  

Notable AI Tools for Meeting Analytics

  • Chorus: Uses NLP to capture, transcribe, and analyze meeting conversations and sales calls for insights on customer interactions, team dynamics, and overall effectiveness.
  • Gong: Another AI-driven platform that records and analyzes meetings to provide insights on sales conversations, customer interactions, and team performance.

Is AI the Solution to All Meeting Mishaps?

While AI tools can certainly help improve meeting efficiency and productivity, they are not a cure-all for all meeting challenges.

It’s important to remember that meetings are ultimately about human interaction and collaboration. AI should supplement, not replace, effective communication and teamwork.

That being said, AI tools can certainly help streamline and optimize the meeting process. By automating certain tasks, providing data-driven insights, and improving overall organization, they can free up more time for meaningful discussions and decision-making. 

Unlock Your True Meeting Potential with Essential Facilitation

At Interaction Associates, we believe in the power of facilitation to transform meetings and drive better outcomes.

Our Essential Facilitation workshops equip leaders with the skills and techniques needed to facilitate productive, engaging, and inclusive meetings. From setting clear objectives to managing group dynamics, our program covers all aspects of effective meeting facilitation.

Don’t let inefficient meetings hold your team back – learn more & register for one of our upcoming Essential Facilitation workshops today!

About Jake Blocker

Jake Blocker creates and executes marketing initiatives for Interaction Associates (IA). He’s involved from initial ideation to the creative development and the analysis of the results. If you were to merge the left and right brain into a job, you would have Jake’s role at IA.